Join Cobalt CTO Gunter Ollmann to learn the 90% Rule for Securing AI Ecosystems
Join Cobalt CTO Gunter Ollmann to learn the 90% Rule for Securing AI Ecosystems

Make Security Risk Management Your Strategic Advantage


Every good captain needs a compass — and to navigate uncertainty, every good business needs a strategy. As business leaders decide their next steps, security can guide them with intelligent risk insights. Here's how industry leaders approach this challenge.

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Build Resilience: The A-Z of a Security Risk Assessment


A detailed breakdown of every step recommended in the PCI DSS Risk Assessment Guidelines.  

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Third-Party View: How to Mitigate Vendor Risk


The steps that help you thoroughly review vendors and business partners to keep your data safe.

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Let's Talk Business: The Rise of the BISO & Why You Should Hire One


As technology and business become more interconnected, Nicole Dove — Head of Security, Games at Riot Games — breaks down the unique value BISOs can bring to their organizations, and what others can learn from the role to earn a seat at the business table.

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Building Security Resilience in Turbulent Times


Big changes and organizational pivots can bring just as much opportunity as they do anxiety. Robert shares how he guides his team through turbulent times, and what other leaders can do to support their people and achieve even bigger goals than before.

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How Goldman Sachs' Deika Elmi Connects GRC with Business Success


Without good governance, every other part of security becomes much less effective. Deika Elmi — a security leader profiled by Risk & Compliance organization “Risky Women” in 2021 — talks about GRC’s role in creating business value.

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Pentests in Risk Assessments: When, Why, How


Pentests can do all of this for your risk management without slowing it down: find your vulnerabilities, determine the risk, and outline remediation. 

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Business Pivots: How to Manage Risk When Your Org Changes Direction


As businesses navigate uncertainty, big operational shifts can completely change your risk profile. Here's how to adjust.

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