See our Fast Start promotion and start your first pentest on The Cobalt Offensive Security Testing Platform for only $4,950.
See our Fast Start promotion and start your first pentest on The Cobalt Offensive Security Testing Platform for only $4,950.

Unlock the Power of PtaaS: ESG Sees 66% Faster Fixes & 50% Cost Savings with Cobalt

Learn how Cobalt customers fix vulnerabilities 66% faster for half the cost with PtaaS

Explore the benefits of Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) with insights into: 

  • Cost Savings: lowering the total cost of the pentest by 53% compared to traditional pentest providers. 
  • Reduce pentest time by 50%: Gain Agility and Accelerate Development with PtaaS
  • Start pentesting faster: Experience the speed of Pentest as a Service and start your pentest in as little as 24 hours

Download ESG Report now

The ESG report, “Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Cobalt’s Pentest
as a Service (PtaaS) Model” reveals how Cobalt's model is revolutionizing the security testing industry. By collaborating with skilled testers in real-time, businesses can identify and fix vulnerabilities faster, reducing risk exposure by 66%.

This innovative approach not only accelerates development cycles but also significantly cuts pentesting costs, resulting in a remarkable difference from traditional testing solutions. ESG's findings highlight how  PtaaS delivers faster remediation, lower risk, and a proven return on investment, making it the smarter choice for modern businesses seeking to strengthen their security posture.

ESG Report Transparent 2

ESG Economic Validation Report: Executive Summary

Download the full report above and learn how Cobalt customers fix vulnerabilities 66% faster for half the cost with PtaaS. 

Data breaches cost businesses millions of dollars and can cripple an organization. Penetration testing business applications is one of the most effective ways to prevent data breaches due to application coding or configuration errors. However, many organizations struggle to pentest their applications effectively and frequently enough to make a difference. Some struggle to find the right talent to perform the test. Others find it difficult to work proper testing into their development lifecycle. Often, companies feel like the only option is to pay expensive consultants to do the work for them.
Through customer interviews and case studies, ESG validated that Cobalt’s Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) model provides a cost-effective way to reduce risk and accelerate results. Cobalt provides skilled testers who collaborate with development teams during the test and help them fix vulnerabilities before they become an expensive data breach. Organizations no longer need to engage with expensive consultants that disappear for weeks to test their applications before dumping a cryptic list of vulnerabilities on their doorstep. ESG models found that customers using Cobalt’s services reduce the time that vulnerabilities stay exposed by 66%, while lowering the total cost of the pentest by 53%, resulting in an expected return on investment (ROI) of 176% per engagement. With Cobalt, collaboration and highly skilled testers lead to excellent results and a massive reduction in risk exposure for companies of all sizes.